Dog Breeders Guide


It’s fun when you throw balls at your dog to catch but watching your dog suffer from urinary tract infection (UTI) isn’t fun at all. The pain that urinary tract infection causes your dog can result in a change in the way your dog would normally act.


Urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria goes into the urethra of a canine. The first of contact is the dog’s genitals. This unpleasant visit by bacteria affects the kidney, bladder and urinary tract. As already noted urinary tract infection can be the source of other complications such as kidney damage, bladder stones and prostatitis in male dogs. With the aid of computer software programs in office dispensing is easy to implement and also operate boosting revenue and improving adherence to medications.

Dogs of any age or breed can be affected by urinary tract infection but it is more prevalent in older dogs that as they are at high risks.  This disease tends to also affect female dogs more than the male dogs, the reason being the nature of the urethra. Female dogs have a shorter and wider urethra which increases the chances of trouble causing bacteria to get in. If this condition is left untreated for a short duration, the infection gradually moves to cause the stones to obstruct the urethra, when this happens the dog finds it difficult to urinate, leading to the rupturing of the bladder and kidney failure, which are both unpleasant conditions.

It is estimated that about 14% of the dog or canine population are more likely to develop urinary tract disease (UTI) at some period in their individual lives. About half of the cases of UTI caused by bacteria called E. coli. Cases of urinary tract infection are seen when there’s a change in the immune defenses of a dog which gives way for pathogenic bacteria to rapidly increase in number and cause serious harm in the urinary tract.

Urinary tract infection can be classified into the uncomplicated and the complicated kind. In the uncomplicated form of urinary tract infection, the dog urogenital tract function is normal and the dog is healthy. It is known to occur in dogs in an interval of 4 to 6 months. While the complicated form of urinary tract infection is usually due to underlying diseases or abnormality that puts the dog at risk at contacting a urinary tract infection. Complicated urinary tract infection can also be caused by concurrent urinary tract diseases such as polypoid cystitis, prostatitis, neoplasia, pyelenophritis and urolithiasis. It can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism or Cushings disease, immunosuppression and chronic cases of kidney disease. It can be due to anatomical causes such as ectopic ulcers and vulval conformations and use of catheters. If the dosage of steroids administered to a canine is too much, it also leads to this disease.

Keeping a dog entails more than feeding and taking cute photos of it. It’s of upmost importance that dog owners watch out for the following signs of urinary tract infection. Note, that after these signs have been noticed, appropriate steps needs to be taken to eliminate this disease from the dog or risk it spreading in your dog’s body. All the help your dog needs should be made available for its treatment as if it’s left untreated the dog can become septic and die.


This is one of the most common signs of urinary tract infection in canines. This pain is seen in their body contortions and facial expressions, followed by whining or even yelping while passing out urine. The dog seems to strain very hard while urinating. This is definitely not a peaceful sight, seeing your happy and fun loving dog in pain.

Dogs suffering from urinary tract infections may also take to frequently licking their genitals.  This is an attempt by the dog to feel better though the real source of pain from urinary tract infection is mainly internal. When this signs are noticed, it has highly likely that your dog has urinary tract infection and it is very important that you visit you vet doctor with urine samples for confirmation tests.


In any case when you report your dog to a vet for urinary tract disease, one of the first questions that are asked during such visits is the color of the dog’s urine. Even for humans, noticing blood in the urine isn’t a good sign at all.

This change in urine color is due to blood that found its way in the urine. It’s very tricky to detect this sign though but if you have suspicions of your dog having urinary tract infection it is important that you do your best to look out for this signs.

The color of the urine is not always red as most people claim; it may be brownish in color too. If this color change is noticed, immediate and urgent steps should be taken to treat it.


If only dogs could express themselves the way humans do. But since this isn’t the case, as dog owners we need to be watchful for the behavioral clues of dogs.

A good majority of dogs are known to relieve themselves at least 3-4 times on a regularly basis, “markings” are excluded. This depends on the often the canines are taken outside. If your dog is urinates more than this given number, this is a sign of urinary tract infection.

A dog suffering from urinary tract infection frequently displays the “door pawing” behavior which indicates its need to urinate. This urge to urinate is heightened, which leads to barking, whining and frequent trips to the backyard. A well behaved dog suffering from urinary tract infection will find this urge to urinate intolerable, making it opt for the easy option of urinating wherever it finds itself. This may be your carpet leaving stains on it.

Dogs with urinary tract infections develop an insatiable thirst. This explains why there’s an increase in urination. When this is noticed, you should visit your vet with your dog’s urine sample.


Alexandar Jack composes on Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Shipping, Medical and also Logistics relevant subjects. He takes pleasure in pie, as do all believing individuals. He is flexible in drafting articles as well as his rate of interests depends on numerous different areas of writing.