Dog Breeders Guide

A Bitches Season

Each female dog (bitch) is different and it is very hard to tell when your bitch will have her first season and what it will be like for her, as each bitch and each breed differs. However as I am currently experiencing own dogs first season I thought I would do a simple question and answer post on this topic, as it may help other dog owners know what to expect and when to expect it. I have read so many books regarding female dogs, their changing bodies, the hormones and the whole topic of bitches in seasons, but I didn’t want to write a medical post I simply want to try to reassure other owners about the whole experience of having a bitch in season.


What is a season?

A season is sometimes referred to as heat, but it all equates to the same thing which is your bitch’s reproductive cycle. A bitch’s reproductive cycle has four stages which include proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus, during this time she will experience hormonal and physical changes, which of course includes her season. A season is a time when her body will change, her hormones will change, she will bleed and also during this time she will accept a male therefore she can become pregnant.

When will my bitch have her first season?

Depending on the breed, a bitch can have her first season at between 5 months and 24 months of age, smaller breeds tend to have their first earlier than larger breeds. Also each bitch is different so therefore the same breed can have their first season some distance apart. It is good to be aware that your bitch could have her first season from 5 months onwards, also speak to your vet as they will be able to give you a clearer indication of when your particular breed of dog tends to come into season.

What are the sign that my dog may be coming into season?

Your bitch may experience some or all of the signs listed below when she is coming into season:

What should I do differently when my bitch is in season?

A bitch in season will release pheromones to tell males dogs she is in season and will soon be ready for mating soon. These pheromones will attract much attention and male dogs will show more interest during this time. If you have both male and female dogs living together you need to be very cautious and not leave them alone during this time, also entire/unneutered males can become rather focused on a bitch in season so separation may be best for all concerned.  You will need to keep a close eye on your bitch and be with her at all times or make sure she is securely away from other male dogs during this time.

You may wish to still walk your bitch during this time but if so it is recommended that you walk her away from your house, even carry her to the car and drive to your chosen walk area to ensure no males can track her scent. You may choose not to exercise her away from the home, this is fine too as she can enjoy ball throwing activities in the garden which will suffice for the 3 weeks or so she is in season.

Some owners like to use a type of dog nappy or children sized pants or knickers with a tail hole cut out of them, as this can prevent extra mess in your home when your bitch is bleeding, although some bitches on their first season can keep themselves very clean and the bleeding may be very light to almost unnoticed.

How long will a season or heat last?

A bitch’s season can last between 3 to 4 weeks and you will know when her season is coming to an end as her swollen vulva will return to its normal pre season state, this is a good time to give her a bath to get rid of any scent she is letting off to attract a mate.

She will continue to have a cycle and season for the rest of her life, although as your bitch gets older she may experience her seasons slightly further apart, also seasons can be stopped by spaying your bitch.

How often will my bitch come into season?

Each bitch and breed is different but generally it is around twice a year therefore every 6 months. Some bitches season every 4-5 months and others may season every 8-12 months, and some are less predictable and season with variations in their heat cycle, as each bitch is different and your bitch will establish her own cycle.

I have been advised a good way to work out a bitches cycle is from their first season, for example if your bitch had her first season aged 6 months old her cycle will be every 5 months therefore her next season will be around the age of 11 months, however I have not tested this rule and will update you after I have experienced it with my bitch. Update: I have now tested this rule and it is not correct for all bitches.

Should I have my bitch spay before or after her first season?

This is a highly controversial topic as some medical professional say before season spaying is better for the bitch and others say after. You really need to discuss this fully with your chosen vet and feel happy about the decision you make for you bitch. Pre season spaying can prevent the inconvenience of experience your bitch in season and all the hormonal changes but there isnt a right or wrong time, but it is something you need to talk to your vet about and make the best decision for you and your pet.

Should I spay or breed from my bitch?

This is a question only you as the owner can answer, but before you do please read a few more articles on My Dogs Life and talk to your vet in depth about breeding as it is not for every bitch or every owner.

Which season should I breed my bitch?

A bitch can be bred during any season but this is not recommended, and I am sure you will be speaking to your vet if you are even considering breeding your bitch. Each breed and each bitch is different so there really isn’t a clear answer to this question. However following good dog breeding books and vets advice it is generally advisable to breed your bitch when she is over 1 year of age and not before her second season, however this may not be right for your bitch so please consult your vet. If you are considering breeding, you will want the best for your bitch and for her puppies so please seek advice from a professional. She needs to be fit, healthy and mature enough before breeding can be considered.

I may do another post at a later date including more information about the hormones and each stage a bitch goes through during her reproductive cycle, plus include some information regarding breeding your bitch.