Dog Breeders Guide

Can Dogs Eat Twizzlers?

Every child wants them – those soft sweet candies called Twizzlers are practically everyone’s favorite. Surely, every kid would also want to share it to their dogs. Especially if your kid loves to eat it, it will only be a matter of time before your dog will start begging for it and before you know it, both your kids and your dogs would start the Twizzlers’ crusade while the spend practically the entire afternoon chewing on them.


To specifically answer the question, can dogs eat Twizzlers, strictly the answer is yes. There is no harm done for dogs to ingest on them. Besides, they are known to be safe for consumption as even kids would love to eat them. So, do you think all will be solved and can your dog continue on with his Twizzlers’ indulgence?

Too much is bad…

Twizzlers may be safe for dogs however they should not be recommended to be given to your dogs in large amount or quantity. In fact, once you have given one to your pet dog, one should be able to not give your dog another one again, ever. The reason for this are as listed.

  • It is not good for the teeth.

Just like it does to a kid’s teeth, they can also provide unwanted effects to the dog’s teeth. The reason for this is that it contains some sugary substances that may cause decaying of the teeth.

  • It may cause teeth pain

Dogs always love to chew on something. Actually, that is their primeval instinct. However, if you keep giving your dog Twizzlers, which would deter your dog from enjoying what he loves to do best.

Know that it may possibly give some irreversible effects to your dog’s general dental condition. Yes, that would have stopped your dog from chewing on your favorite shoes but it should not jeopardize his dental condition.