Dog Breeders Guide

Can Dogs Get Lice?

Lice can become a very serious infestation by living on the skin of both humans and animals. There are many different types, and they can certainly infect dogs very severely. While this problem is less common than fleas, it is definitely real and problematic, especially in poor, unsanitary living conditions.


Signs And Symptoms

The two distinctions are the differentiation between those that chew the skin and those that drink the blood. Therefore, the signs and symptoms should be quite clear. The following list are the most common signs of an infestation.

  • Excessive amounts of itching
  • Unhealthy appearing coat
  • Hair loss around the problem areas (face and groin)
  • Insufficient amount of red blood cells, or anemia

If these problems are plaguing your pet, they may have a serious issue. While conclusive diagnosis should be completed by an educated veterinarian, simple visual inspection is possible. Similar to a simple human head louse, they will appear to be small white flakes embedded within the hair. They cannot fly, so they will seem immobile.

Can Dogs Get Lice From Humans?

If you are having questions, such as can dogs get lice, there is most likely a cause for concern, like the worries of transporting this annoying insect between yourself and your pets. However, the worries are unnecessary because they are specific to species. Therefore, common human head lice will not be transferred to the dog, just as their infestation will not travel to yourself.

They can be transported within species by contact with contaminated grooming tools, bedding, or any other item that can hold this irritating insect. Therefore, it is important to ensure infected animals are quarantined with proper cleaning of all instruments used on them. After removing every single louse, they can be returned to the normal routine with constant watch to prevent reinfection.


If an infestation is suspected, veterinarian care should be sought after to ensure appropriate treatment measures are taken quickly and effectively. The most common treatment is a simple shampoo, but powders and sprays are also options. There are many good choices for under $20 that are effective. Important steps should be followed to prevent reinfection though.

  1. House the infested animal in their regular cage.
  2. Prepare another cage with clean bedding and toys.
  3. Setup the tub or other bathing area with water and the special shampoo.
  4. Bring the pet to the wash area and follow the instructions provided with the treatment product.
  5. After cleaning, house the pet in the clean, unaffected cage.
  6. Sanitize the old cage to remove any leftover insects.

For very serious cases with long, thick hair, shaving may be necessary to completely remove the eggs embedded in the root.

In conclusion, dogs can get lice that can cause excessive irritation and hair loss. Fortunately, these nasty bugs cannot be transferred between different species, which significantly cuts down on problematic spreading. Using simple visual inspections, it is possible to diagnose a problem. Then, after seeking veterinarian care, special shampoo or spray can be used to remove them effectively after following the correct procedure.