Dog Breeders Guide

Coton de Tulear Dog



The Coton de Tulear (pronounced co-ton-Lee are two) was born on the island of Madagascar and the Bichon family. The name comes from the texture of the cotton dress and port of Tulear Malagasy. Exactly how the ancestors of the race arrived in Madagascar has not been determined because no reliable record of the early history of the race. Bichon-type dogs have been deliberately introduced as trade in goods and encourages, or they were lucky survivors of a shipwreck on the coast or the French settlers and the troops together everything is speculation. While the truth may be difficult to achieve, it seems certain that the Coton de Tulear Bichon result of the case with the French breeding dogs native to Madagascar. Call to the progeny of these crosses has attracted the attention of the Malagasy and nobility in the 17th century, ownership and breeding of cotton is limited to those of the nobility. It was not until 1977 that the Coton de Tulear has been imported into Europe. Despite the official dog of Madagascar, the Coton is not well in his homeland. It slowly gained popularity elsewhere, particularly the United States, but is still considered a rare species.



This charming little dog, known for his gentle nature, is an excellent companion for people of all ages. There is a strong attachment to its owners and its greatest pleasure is to be with his people, where they are and what they do. Loneliness is an abomination to him. He needs companionship and affection and should be considered part of the family and many activities as possible. Fun and dynamic, it is a good friend and mindful of children will join their game with boundless joy and enthusiasm. It is important that gently but firmly trained in acceptable behavior as it looks charming and winning personality make him a good candidate for treatment and will be ready to enjoy every indulgence, which may lead to believe household that revolves around him and his whims. It is a watchdog very good because he is always attentive to what is happening and he barks the number of visitors or something unusual was occurring on its territory to be announced. Some Coton de Tulear sociable than others who may be wary of strangers and not wanting to make friends without a good deal given. Although he is a member of the toys and he loves the role of pet dogs, the Coton is a man hardy delighted to participate in vigorous play with other dogs, wet and muddy looking for rats and other small creatures elusive . He was very vocal dog when excited or happy. with an expressive vocabulary of grunts, groans, rumbles and groans. Cotton had a long life but, whatever his age, he never lost this life-like puppy, heart full of joy, made him the pleasure to know.


The Coton de Tuléar is only a moderate amount of exercise and it becomes almost enough to get through play and run around the house and garden. However, it does to get out and walk every day in all weather conditions, will be highly appreciated. He taught him the importance of new perfumes and things to keep his mind stimulated and resources to devote part of its energy. Quick and agile Cotton is great for the sport of dog agility.


To avoid the Coton a pleasant companion and acceptable to the community at the beginning of training basic obedience. His intelligence, desire to please, and his love of food means that training should not present major difficulties. Only positive methods using treats and praise as a reward for good work should be used. Rough handling and voice in anger and fear are confused, undermining his confidence and undermines the trust and respect. It is important that the puppy is introduced to many new people, places, sites and sounds as possible during his months of training. This early socialization will prepare them for life in the world as a confident, friendly and well-adjusted adults.