Dog Breeders Guide

Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog

Love feeding your dog? A few table scraps every now and then won’t be a problem but you need to make sure he’s eating only vet-approved foods. There are many foods that are harmful for dogs or that dogs shouldn’t eat. Be sure that next time you feed your dog from the table that these foods aren’t on the menu!



You may think that cats like milk, what’s the harm with milk for dogs? You may not know but milk and other dairy products can spell bad news for pups and cats. Their bodies aren’t equipped to handle dairy like the human body, which means they’ll display symptoms similar to lactose-intolerance in humans. Dogs and cats can have digestive issues including upset stomach, diarrhea and more. Skip the milk next time you get the urge.


Just like milk, avocados can cause digestive upset, and may even have toxic effects on your dog depending on the breed and amount. Avocados have persin, which can be toxic. So this means no guacamole or avocado of any kind.


Nearly every owner has probably had a dog who had an encounter with chocolate. Either the dog got into a candy supply, or maybe you had a child feed a chocolate to the family dog. No matter how the dog had chocolate to eat, it’s a habit you don’t want to repeat. Chocolate has theobromine, an ingredient they’re very slow to process, unlike humans. The theobromine can build up in their system and be toxic, leading to a fatality. The same goes for cocoa.


It’s never wise for you or your dog to eat mushrooms you aren’t sure of the origin. Mushrooms sometimes can’t be easily identified, which means that you should never give your dog a wild mushroom you don’t know the name of, and aren’t 100% sure is good for dogs. Some varieties of mushroom can cause upset stomach, vomiting, weakness, seizures, coma shock or death when ingested by dogs. Better safe than sorry, and avoid giving dogs mushrooms. If they eat one in the wild and you aren’t able to stop them in time, bring your dog to the vet, and have a sample mushroom with you when you arrive.

Grapes and Raisins

When a grape is at its best, it has a great sweet taste, but that isn’t a taste you should share with your dog. Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can affect their kidney production. Researchers have found that grapes and raisin ingestion by dogs can cause vomiting, urination problems, abdominal pain, and more.

Onions and Garlic

Any good in the Allium species of food can be harmful for dogs. This means dog should avoid eating onions, garlic, chives and leeks. When ingested in a large amount, the vegetables can actually affect your pet’s red blood cell count, and may cause lethargy, anemia, elevated heart rate and more. If you smell onions or garlic on your dog’s breath, take precautions to make sure he didn’t eat a large amount of the ingredients. The same goes for cats.

Not only should you be wary about sharing certain foods with your dog, you should watch his waistline. Obesity in dogs is a serious problem in America, and it’s largely caused by table scraps and overfeeding. Talk to your vet about your dog’s weight and make sure that he falls on the average weight for his breed, size and age.