Dog Breeders Guide

Keep Your Dog Safe During Fireworks This July 4th

The 4th of July is approaching, and while it may be fun and celebration for humans, for pets it’s another story. The sights and sounds of fireworks can be confusing and scary for dogs, luckily, as a dog owner, you can take certain precautions to help keep your pet safe during the Independence Day celebrations. See our list below, and learn how you can still have a great 4th with your pet.


Don’t Bring Your Dog to Fireworks

Your city may be holding a firework display for the holiday, however, the AKC cautions you don’t bring your dogs to the events. The loud noises and crowd may startle your pet, and they could run off. The ASPCA says that each year, many pet owners report missing pets. If you want to see fireworks, you’re better off leaving the pet at home. However, be sure that your dog isn’t left outside or able to escape if they’re scared. You could also ask a neighbor to check in on your dog.