Dog Breeders Guide

Pug Dog



Most authorities agree that the Pug originated in China some 2,500 years ago. This hypothesis is supported by the evidence of ancient Chinese artifacts representing small dogs that differ little Pug today. Some suggest that the ancestors of East Mastiff Pug was increased to the size, but without the Pug show external signs that may resemble those of a mastiff, there is no document to confirm. Pugs went west in the 1500s by Dutch sailing ships, plying the trade routes to and from the Far East and the odd-looking little dog was welcomed by Dutch royal family. When William of Orange to the British throne in 1688, brought to Pugs. Its popularity has increased throughout Europe, reaching its peak in Britain in the Victorian era. Once in great demand in society circles as a fashion accessory for the Pug is now owned and loved for himself by people of all ages and all walks of life, and is only one of the races popular miniatures.



The Pug is a truly delightful dog that can illuminate a room, and the lives of its owners, with her bubbly personality. Despite his air of dignity, has a precise sense of humor and can be as frivolous and mischievous as the neighbors dog. His people is his life when he needs a lot of companies and their assumption that he is part of the family is correct. If excluded from the family circle, who suffer and do not develop. It must always be an indoor dog, both physical and mental comfort. Tough and independent, does not need pampering, but we must be educated in the house rules and boundaries of acceptable behavior. Taking into account some common sense guidelines, it will be easy to live, even if it can be a bit stubborn and obstinate. It is necessary to ensure that it does not become overweight easier said than done sometimes face to face and mocking eyes irresistible fusion of heart, trying to convince him that is on the verge of starvation. In general, a good playmate for children is tolerant and sensitive as very tough, and will come into play with enthusiasm. Keep in mind that their prominent eyes are susceptible to damage if care must be taken with the game and any other activity which may cause eye injury. He will bark to alert to the proximity of strangers, but it is a sociable person, and once done his duty, he will continue with a warm welcome. For those who want a dog compact, robust with a big heart and loyal constant and dynamic Pug is an excellent choice of partner.


Only a moderate amount of exercise needed to keep the Pug in good physical shape, but, although a naturally energetic man, who can be lazy, it is important to make sure you have at least one foot every day to help maintain the base . Walking also satisfy his love for out and about and keep your mind active and stimulated. You will be delighted to have the opportunity to run off lead, but this must be done in a safe place, because he is innocent of the dangers of roads and other hazards. Being a brachycephalic breed care should be exercise in the cold part of the day, because it is very sensitive to heat and moisture.


It is not possible for a dog to fulfill its potential as an agreeable companion, or for him to deal with our world, not knowing what is expected of him. the basic obedience training should be started as soon as possible. The Pug is a very intelligent dog and loves food. This acquisition will make training easy and enjoyable for the dog and owner. It is also ready to please a loved and respected owner. Thus, when the training methods using positive behavior, the reward is good and good responses with treats and praise. verbal corrections management very difficult and will achieve little more than fear, confusion, and perhaps a firm refusal to work. Once the report has the sky is the limit with Pugs many success at the highest level of obedience competition. Socialization also be introduced in early puppy. In introducing them to new situations, different people, sights, sounds, other dogs, animals, etc. that the puppy will develop a secure, lightweight, gentle and sensitive than adults are welcome wherever he goes.