Dog Breeders Guide

The Best Low Maintenance Dog Breeds

Dogs can be amazing for a family, but the truth is that they come with plenty of demands in terms of maintenance. You would have to be very well prepared before bringing a dog on board to enjoy its companionship and friendship without any barriers. Whereas some dogs can be very high to maintain, there are others that are easier to care for. If you don’t have that much time to spare caring for your dog, here are some of the top best low maintenance dogs you can choose from when adopting.

  1. Australian cattle dog

It is a herding breed with short nice coat requiring occasional brushing and baths. Nail trimming and checking ears and teeth once in a while is all you will need to do to keep the dog healthy and looking good.

  1. Chihuahua

The short haired small dog hardly needs any grooming. The pricked ears are easy to check and do not require any lab procedures. The small stature of the dog makes grooming pretty easy, even for the haired version.

  1. Labrador retriever

They are a favorite for many families since they are easy to groom. The low maintenance dogs require few vet visits and all you have to do is to clean the ears to keep infections at bay.

  1. Ibizan Hound

They do not have to make many vet visits and require little grooming. They simply offer you an easy time caring for them.

  1. Russell Terrier

The smooth coat version is low maintenance. They require minimal baths and are easy to brush, compared to those with broken or rough coat which can take lots of time stripping. These dogs do not require too many vet visits either.

  1. Dachshund

The smooth coats make grooming a walk in the park any day. Even though they do not need too many vet visits, you might need to take them more when they are older since they experience inherent back issues.

  1. Miniature Pinscher

This breed has a smooth coat that is easy to care for, requiring minimal bathing and brushing. It is a healthy dog requiring less vet services. It does not eat as much saving you money on dog food.

  1. Toy fox terrier

It is more of a cat in terms of caring and hence many people prefer keeping it as a pet. There is hardly any maintenance needed for this breed.

  1. Dalmatian

It is a larger dog breed which a short coat making it fair enough to maintain and care for. It is however of importance to get the dogs from sources that are reputable considering that they can develop medical issues.

  1. Beagle

Many confuse it for high maintenance because of the high levels of energy it showcases. It is however as low to maintain as a Labrador. All that will be needed is minimal bathing and checks on the droopy ears to keep off infections. The ears are however very simple to handle.

Low maintenance dogs can save you a great deal of time, especially if you tend to work around a tight schedule. With so many low maintenance options available in the market, you will find a dog you can enjoy and give the best to.